Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has over 3,000 species of animals to discover, and new exhibits to see every few years. They also offer free admission every single Monday. Simple goal: get people to visit on not just Mondays.

Scoop On Poop TV Campaign - “It Happens”
The Zoo’s got poop. Go! But don’t go too far. You know, kids and all.
Scoop On Poop TV Campaign - “Deuces”
Scoop On Poop TV Campaign - “Cleveland”
Scoop On Poop TV Campaign - “Number Two”

Scoop On Poop! Out Of Home Campaign
Scoop On Poop! Radio

African Elephant Crossing Campaigns
Dinosaurs! TV - “Tracks”
Dinosaurs! TV - “Bait Bowl”
Dinosaurs! TV - “Tar Pit”

Dinosaurs! Print & Out Of Home Campaign

Miscellaneous Campaigns